Project Description

Widows Sponsorship Program

This Service is a Ministry of Christ Gospel Ministries of India to help the helpless widows and aged women in the state of Andhra Pradesh , India by providing food provisions, clothing, shelter and medical assistance.

The state of Andhra Pradesh is comprised of thousands of villages, hundreds of towns and many cities. In the course of my travels and preaching in different areas and churches, visiting the servants of God, I realized that hundreds, if not thousands, of widows lived in deplorable conditions. They did not have clothes to fully cover their bodies; they had inadequate food to eat; they suffered terribly from diseases because of lack of medicine and attention; they lived in detestable conditions.

What I saw moved me to start this ministry for the glory of God. James 1:27 challenged me. I realized that, in the sight of God, ignoring these widows in their suffering is not pardonable – so I took up the challenge. I decided to help wherever and however possible.

Through this Service, we surveyed 10 local villages and towns and found 400 needy widows. We started with 30 destitute widows to provide help in 2011, now we are helping 160 Widows. They are aged 40-75 years old. We are helping each widow with a month of provisions such as rice, grains, chili powder, oil packets, soap, detergent, medicine, and travel expenses.

In addition, every four or six months we distribute clothing and blankets etc. After helping with their physical needs we offer them the assurance of God. We share with them the promises that He will meet their needs and wipe every tear from their eye. We help develop their faith and they are extremely thankful to God for taking care of them.

Your gift is a month can help provide a widow with food and the ability to meet her own needs. Therefore, we humbly request that you, your church, organization, or small group help us help these widows in India. We will use your money carefully to provide for the least of these.