Project Description

Church Planting & Support Native Missionaries:

Church planting is a vital part of missionary evangelism. Since we are working primarily in 17 villages without existing churches, church planting is our focal point. Currently C.G.M.I is training and providing financial support to 57 native pastors and their families empowering them to give Godly planting

Our Pastors are currently traveling to villages throughout Andhra Pradesh in remote, interior and tribal areas. They are preaching and distributing Gospel tracts to people where there is no gospel teaching. Most Christians throughout India, especially in Andhra Pradesh, come from situations of extreme poverty.

They have grown up in non-Christian homes working as laborers, making barely enough to survive. This means that many pastors under our leadership are struggling to make ends meet and have limited amounts of study materials. They are unable to buy land or construct a church building because of lack of funds.

Needs of these Pastors :

Supporting a pastor and family takes about $50 a month
Bicycles to travel between villages for pastoral ministry
Church buildings
Education for the pastor’s children.

Building Native Churches

Our missionaries have their own congregations. In many of the villages they are the only worker for miles around. As their home cell groups grow in size it becomes necessary to build a church hall to hold all of the people. Most of these villages are too poor to be able to afford the construction. There is a continued need for proper sanctuaries in which to worship. In many places people gather in makeshift arrangements or thatched huts and it becomes very difficult to have services in hostile weather conditions like heavy rainfall or in the heat of summer. CHURCH GOSPEL MINISTRIES INDIA is able to build a church hall for only US $5,000.

Please consider if God is leading you to build a church. Churches can be dedicated to the memory of a loved one or donations can be made in the name of a loved one.

Outreach Ministry

CGMI began this outreach program to win souls for Christ. We are reaching out to unsaved people in various communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We visit people door to door, share the love of Jesus with them, and provide them with Bibles. Every month we conduct open air meetings in the different places of India. It is in these meetings where many idol worshippers accept Jesus as their Saviour and have their lives transformed. We want you to join in our outreach ministry. If you would like to come and preach in our open air meetings and pastor’s conferences please contact CGMI India. God bless you.